SSS data from the Aquarius/SAC-D mission is used to characterize the offshore extensions of the Rio de la Plata plume.
A high-resolution model is used to investigate the dynamical mechanisms controlling the offshore extensions of the Rio de la Plata plume.
Comparison of the model results with Aquarius, AVISO historic hidrographic observations.

Overall evaluation of the modeling and observational studies.
Supporting Publications
Combes, V., and R. P. Matano, 2014: A two-way nested simulation of the oceanic circulation in the Southwestern Atlantic, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009498.
Guerrero, R. A., A. R. Piola, H. Fenco, R. Matano, V. Combes, P. T. Strub, E. D. Piola, Y. Chao, C. James, M. Saraceno, 2014: The salinity signature of the cross-shelf exchanges in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Aquarius observations. J. Geophys. Res. Oc. Submitted.
Matano, R. P., V. Combes, A. R. Piola, E. D. Piola, R. Guerrero, P. T. Strub, C. James, H. Fenco, Y. Chao, M. Saraceno, 2014: The salinity signarure of the cross-shelf exchanges in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Numerical simulations. J. Geophys. Res. Oc. Submitted.
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